New Employees

Welcome To Cleveland ISD

Thank you for choosing to be a part of our team. Below is some helpful information to make the transition to employment as easy as possible.

New Employee Processing

Once you have been recommended for employment by your supervisor, you will receive an email from Danelle Kirby containing a letter of intent and instructions on completing the online employment forms.  Upon completion of those forms, email Mrs. Kirby to schedule a date and time to attend New Hire Orientation.   Give yourself approximately 30 min – 1 hour for this meeting.  Be sure to Arrive Promptly.

Please bring the following items with you to your new hire meeting:

  • Drivers License

  • Social Security Card (For TRS Purposes)

  • Banking Information

  • Official College Transcript (if applicable)

  • Services Records (if applicable)

  • Statement of Eligibility (if applicable)

  • Voided Check or something from your banking institution with the Routing Number and Account Number

** If you have worked in another school district, you will need to request your Service Records and turn those into the Human Resource Department as soon as possible.  It is your responsibility to make sure they are turned into the Human Resource Department before you start your employment with CISD.

Salary Information

Basic salary information may be found on the district website under Human Resources salary structure.  Your salary will be determined based on job type, pay grade, and verifiable years of experience. Your salary will be spread out over a 12 month period. Pay checks are issued on the 15th and the 30th of each month. 10 month employees first check will be September 15. 


All employees must complete the State mandated finger print process before reporting to work. Certified employees will go to TEA Website to pay and schedule their finger print appointment. Non-certified employees will be given information on this process when they register for a substitute orientation.

Benefits Information

See the benefits page on the district website for specific benefits information.  New employees have 31 days from the date of hire to enroll for benefits.


  1. You are eligible for employment with a professional contract and full teacher pay if you hold a Provisional, Standard, One-Year or Probationary teaching certificate issued by the State Board of Educator Certification or the Texas Education Agency.

  2. Out-of-State Certified Teachers: apply online at TEA Website for a review of credentials and a Texas One Year Certificate and pay fees online.

  3. ACP Acceptance Letter: Please submit a copy of your acceptance letter into a certification program. The letter should show teaching field and school term for which you are eligible for an internship. You must pass your content area test before you are considered eligible for a teaching assignment in Cleveland ISD. You must be eligible for a Probationary Certificate within 30 days of your employment date.

Records for Professional Personnel File
Your personnel file will be complete when the HR office receives verification of prior service and transcripts documenting education attained. Texas teaching experience must be verified on an original Texas Service Record Form. Original Texas Service Records must be received before you can advance on the salary schedule. You will be paid as a beginning teacher until the original records are received in the HR office. Out-of-State Service Records should be requested. Transcripts must be original, official transcripts for all undergraduate work, graduate courses, and all degrees conferred. Be sure to include all former names in your request. Mail to: Human Resources Department, 1901 E. Houston St., Cleveland, TX 77327.