District Safety Practices
Perimeter fencing around all instructional facilities
Campus based threat assessment teams
Armed Police Officers on all campuses
District and Campus Emergency Operations Plans for different situations
Exterior Door #s on all facilities to aid emergency response personnel
Use of RAPTOR Visitor Management System for all visitors & guests
ID validation prior to campus access for non-employees
Daily exterior door checks by Campus Safety Monitors
Locked Interior & Exterior door policy
Interoperable communications system facilitates quicker communications with public sector partners
Use of drug dog
Random metal detector searches of students
Random parking lot searches of staff and student vehicles by drug dog
Clear backpack policy
No oversized clothing and hoodie allowed in our dress code
Positive control of campus-to-parent student hand-offs
Campus Monitors at all schools
Citizens on Patrol in CISD Schools (C.O.P.S.) Program
SMART tag swipe on and off on all school buses
GPS monitored buses
Parents can track school buses via app
Security cameras on all school buses
Monthly scheduled safety drills
AED and Stop the Bleed Kits on every campus
Narcan available at all secondary schools
Police Officers carry Narcan
Walkie Talkies used to facilitate communications on all campuses
Students 2nd grade and younger must have an adult or older sibling at the bus stop
Seatbelts available on all school buses
Metal detectors upon entry of athletic events
No re-entry at athletic events